“How do you stay so motivated?”
People ask me this ALL THE TIME
Fact: I don’t! …. So I work at it!
Motivation is like a muscle – the more you flex…
“Don’t get ahead of yourself.”
That phrase used to drive me crazy when I was a kid! It felt like grown-ups were always trying to hold me back.
But t…
Keep going!
If you’re struggling right now with your goals, it’s NORMAL.
Keep going.
If you’ve slipped up with your “clean eating” goals, make sur…
I love to focus on the positive!
Well, in this article I’m going to tell you how NOT to reach your goals this year.
Because there’s one big mistake …
Disease of the body itself is nothing but the result of the disharmony between soul and mind. Remove the disharmony, and we rega…
Have you noticed how New Year’s resolutions have this way of turning into gigantic projects?
You tell yourself: “I’m going to start working out 3 tim…
I read an interesting study the other day that uncovered something pretty incredible about how our bodies work.
Take a look at this…
Scientists gav…
I’ve got a big confession for you today … and yes, this happens to coaches, too.
The other day I was just not into being “healthy.” I wasn’t in the m…
Did you know that reports of anxiety are up 25% over the past couple of years?
I personally think this number is low since anxiety shows up in differ…