Recipe for Sleep - Chamomile Chai
Body Wellness·Sheila Gravely·Sep 20, 2021· 1 minutes

I’ve got a delicious recipe for you today that just might help you sleep better!

Which means this makes a perfect little nightcap drink – but you can enjoy it any time you want to relax.

It combines the best tried-and-true home remedies … and it also tastes great. 

Each ingredient in this recipe is believed to have sleep-inducing benefits. 

Chamomile Chai

(serves 1)

1 cup (240 ml) oat milk (or your favorite milk variety)

1 chamomile tea bag

Dash or two of cinnamon and turmeric

1 tsp honey 

Sprinkle of Himalayan sea salt

Place the milk, tea, and spices in a saucepan and warm until almost (but not quite) boiling. Let the tea steep for a few minutes. Remove from the heat, remove the teabag, and carefully pour the liquid into a mug. Add the honey and salt and stir to mix. Enjoy!

Some ideas to mix this up: add a little ginger (grated or powdered) or toss a bag of lavender tea into the pan when you’re steeping the chamomile.  
