

Why Chasing One Thing Won't Bring Lasting Happiness

chasing happiness

Have you ever caught yourself thinking, “If only I had this, I’d finally be happy”? Maybe it’s a certain amount of money, a goal you’re working toward, or even a feeling you’re hoping to achieve. It’s so easy to believe that happiness is just one step away—just beyond the next achievement or milestone. But have you ever noticed that once you get that thing, it doesn’t feel quite as life-changing as you expected?

That’s because happiness doesn’t come from just one thing. Real, lasting well-being…

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About Doubt


Today has me thinking about doubt...

First, doubt doesn't mean you're doing something wrong or failing. Remember: failure is just information. Everyone doubts.

Consciousness: Mindset

What causes doubt? Let's talk about consciousness or unconsciousness.

How do we define consciousness? Consciousness is awareness. Being aware means paying attention. Pay attention to where you focus your energy.

Consider your consciousness your mental state. So, how aware are you? What are you paying attention …

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Is Self-Compassion Compatible with Faith?

Transformation Tuesday self-compassion

Today, I'm thinking about how self-compassion contributes to our growth.

To me, self-compassion is the cornerstone of making a positive life transformation. It is about being as patient, sympathetic, and supportive to ourselves as we would be to a close friend going through a tough time. In other words, we need to accept ourselves just as we are, flaws and all, and be able to express and feel what we are feeling without passing judgment.

Developing an attitude o…

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Your Thinking Brain vs Your Primitive Brain


In my most recent series of articles I'm discussing our brains role in forming habits - especially the habit of drinking alcohol. Let's dive in to today's topic!

Why do we give in to our desire for alcohol?

We discussed desire in a previous article. You can read it here. Remember, desire isn't involuntary. It’s learned, and you taught yourself. You’ve increased that desire so much that it seems involuntary.

Now, you may be feeling competing desires. Your thinking, rational brain says, “I want…

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How Our Brain is Rigged to Help Us Survive - Why is That Sometimes a Problem?


Do you realize that your brain is designed to help you survive? This sounds like a good thing doesn’t it? And it is, but it can sometimes also cause some problems.

Your Brain is Rigged for Survival

Our brains provide us rewards when we do things that perpetuate our survival. These things include:

  • Eating
  • Seeking Shelter
  • Sex

When we first do these things, the brain releases a little dopamine and this feels great! We get a reward, so to speak. Our brains use that as a feedback loop. When …

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Emotions Cause Behaviors


In my last article I discussed desire and how it is a learned behavior. You can read it here. Today I'm going to discuss how emotions play a role in habit creation.

Our emotions are created by what we think - so the emotion of desire is created by a thought. Staying on the topic of drinking alcohol - our desire for alcohol is created by a thought. So, what are the thoughts we have that create our desire for alcohol?

One of the most powerful thoughts we have is, “I want that.” It seems like suc…

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Your Body on Cortisol


Did you know that wild animals don't have the same stress-related illnesses that we humans have? Why is that? 

It's mostly due to the nature of the human brain. We can ruminate about our past and fret about the future. Psychoneuroimmunology (the study of how the mind influences the immune system), has shown that what we think IS our reality - whether it's real or not!

We were designed to experience acute stress - stressors that are short in nature and infrequent. When we are in danger, our ama…

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Let's Talk About Stress and Mindfulness

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From worldwide pandemics to difficult relationships, our world is filled with circumstances that cause stress. 

A study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that dealing with persistent, long-term stress (like that from a toxic work environment or from caring for an elderly parent) can actually change the expression of your genes, leading to an increase in inflammation that can bring on a variety of health issues.

Learning how to cope with stress in a …

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