The word "lifest" is original, which means it's a word I made up. When I was naming my business, I searched for a word that des…
A life coach is someone who helps you identify your goals and develop an actionable plan to achieve them. I will h…
There are many types of "detox" or "cleanse" programs available. (Just Google these terms!) How is an individual to choose which one is bes…
For my friends and family who are thoroughly confused about my particular natural health practice, I've decided to write a multi-part blog abou…
Are you intrigued by healing that is so simple it seems to come from nothing? In the healing art called Jin Shin Jyutsu, there are no prescript…
Do you want more vibrant health, better sleep, and more energy? Would you like to age more gracefully? Are you yearning to take your physical and em…
Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton