
Body Wellness

Your Body on Cortisol


Did you know that wild animals don't have the same stress-related illnesses that we humans have? Why is that? 

It's mostly due to the nature of the human brain. We can ruminate about our past and fret about the future. Psychoneuroimmunology (the study of how the mind influences the immune system), has shown that what we think IS our reality - whether it's real or not!

We were designed to experience acute stress - stressors that are short in nature and infrequent. When we are in danger, our ama…

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Let's Talk About Stress and Mindfulness

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From worldwide pandemics to difficult relationships, our world is filled with circumstances that cause stress. 

A study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that dealing with persistent, long-term stress (like that from a toxic work environment or from caring for an elderly parent) can actually change the expression of your genes, leading to an increase in inflammation that can bring on a variety of health issues.

Learning how to cope with stress in a …

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Heal Your Body, Calm Your Mind, Soothe Your Spirit

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Over time, having too many stress hormones in your system is linked with increased inflammation - this is not a good thing!

What can you do about it?

Most of us have never learned how to cope with stress. Many of us just try to ignore it, but that's one of the worst ways to deal with it. Ignoring your feelings of stress can keep your stress hormones elevated, and soon, feeling stressed can become your body's new normal.

The good news is you can take back control by learning some techniques th…

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Stress and Your Health

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Stress is sneaky. Sometimes you don’t even know that you’re feeling it until you turn your head and your neck hurts, or you feel a tension headache coming on. 

The truth is, some stress is normal (and even good) … but chronic stress can do a real number on your body. 

It can wreak havoc on your hormones, making you gain weight (especially unhealthy belly fat). 

And it can also take a major toll on your health, paving the way for illness and disease.

It's never been a big secret that stress c…

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This is Your Body on Stress (and how it's hurting you)

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Hope your day got off to a smooth start – especially because I want to talk to you about STRESS. We’re heading into a busy time of year with new schedules, etc. and I know a lot of you are feeling some pressure …

… and I also know a lot of you think you should just toughen up and “push through it”.

Spoiler alert: You can’t do it. That’s because stress isn’t all “in your mind.” It’s also in your body.

Your stress response system is a primal reaction... it’s hardwired into your system to …

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Nourishing Evening Routine

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It’s amazing how one little habit and mindset shift can turn everything around.

I’ve shared a couple of stories recently about my personal experience with morning routines.

I thought it’d be a good idea to talk a little bit about my nighttime routine! Because it plays a huge role in my wellness.

As a life coach, some days are crazy busy, and they also can be pretty physically demanding.

And a lot of the time, I used to get to the end of the day feeling WIPED OUT.

I’m all about keeping it re…

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Night Owl?


Are you one of those people who likes to burn the midnight oil?

That means you probably fall into the NIGHT OWL category … which is linked with being open-minded and creative.

But as it also turns out, people who are night owls are more likely to be LESS ACTIVE than early birds.

Plus, being a night owl is associated with a higher risk of many health issues.

But scientists say with a few routine shifts, it doesn’t have to be that way!

Check out these studies:

  • Study 1: In a study published…

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Recipe for Sleep - Chamomile Chai


I’ve got a delicious recipe for you today that just might help you sleep better!

Which means this makes a perfect little nightcap drink – but you can enjoy it any time you want to relax.

It combines the best tried-and-true home remedies … and it also tastes great. 

Each ingredient in this recipe is believed to have sleep-inducing benefits. 

Chamomile Chai

(serves 1)

1 cup (240 ml) oat milk (or your favorite milk variety)

1 chamomile tea bag

Dash or two of cinnamon and turmeric

1 tsp hon…

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Up to 85% of Us Start Our Day With This


I was not surprised when I saw this fact a while ago.

Did you know that there is a drug that 85% of us use every single day?

If you’re one of them, I have a little assignment for you. :) No, I am not going to ask you to quit.

It’s caffeine … and we use it to get going in the morning, power through workouts or work, and keep us going through the mid-afternoon slump.

The upside of caffeine?

  • It gives you energy
  • It boosts your alertness and ability to concentrate
  • It can come in beverages fi…

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How a Life Coach Starts Her Day


If you’ve been keeping up this month, you’ll know we’ve been diving deep into the power of routines. Especially routines that help you get your day off to a GREAT start.

I thought it might be helpful to see what my own personal morning routine looks like!

When I made my own lifestyle transformation a few years ago, I overhauled my mornings and I haven’t looked back.

My #1 priority for my own morning routine: Start my day in a calm, peaceful way so that I feel centered.

6 a.m. – Wake up, drin…

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